Kelowna & Okanagan (Area 7)

Gayle Wilson

I go to work at 9am, and start my day with a chat and coffee with about 30 clients in the dining room. I take a small group of about 3-5 out in to the community to participate in what ever is going on. Some activities are: going to the farmers market on Thursday, shopping for cooking group, riding the city bus to a specific location, going to the beach, boat rides, occasionally visiting main attractions in neighbouring communities.
Kelowna & Okanagan (Area 7)

Florinda Magday

Same routine everyday, happy good ambiance to work place
Kelowna & Okanagan (Area 7)

Wynn Hartfelder

There is no typical day when your supporting a woman to move forward in her journey, it flows with where the support is needed. It may involve going to many appointments or looking at housing or actually getting boxes and helping with the move.
Kelowna & Okanagan (Area 7)